November 4, 2024


Name National Parents Council (NPC)



Transitions from Pre-school to Primary School – NPC

The transition from pre-school to primary school can be one of the most important transitions that your child will make. By providing this programme for you, we can support you to support your child to make a smooth transition between pre-school and primary school. The success of this transition can benefit your child all the way through primary school providing better outcomes for your child socially, emotionally and educationally.

November Session Dates and Times:
Monday, 4th November at 7.30pm
Tuesday, 5th November at 10am
Wednesday, 6th November at 7.30pm

Why Attend?
These interactive sessions will cover essential strategies for supporting your
child’s social, emotional, and educational journey into primary school. You’ll
learn about:
-Building confidence and resilience in your child
-Coping with challenges and managing emotions
-Strengthening your relationship with your child as they start this new

Each session also includes a Q&A where you can ask questions and receive
guidance from our experienced facilitators.

How to Join:
Simply register your details by clicking HERE, and we’ll send you a
Zoom link to join the session.