What services do you offer?
Depending on the needs of the family and child we provide a range of services. This may mean a 1:1 appointment, very brief assessments to help ensure we provide the right services or direct people to more intensive supports if needed, parenting programmes, parent consultations, and sometimes therapeutic work with older children.
We run a number of groups for parents in this area such as:
Ups and Downs Group for individuals who recently gave birth:
This group is for those who have recently had a baby. Typically women come to this group when they find their emotions are not as they would have liked in the weeks and months after giving birth. The group runs regularly throughout the year. Its runs for 5 weeks, for 90 mins a week, usually one morning a week. Infants up to 9 months are welcome to come with their parent to the group. The group focusses on understanding mental health after giving birth, providing space to chat, consider coping strategies and meet other parents. Contact your local Primary Care Centre or referrals can be made through your Public Health Nurse.
Incredible Years/Triple P
These parenting courses are typically run by psychologists one morning a week for 8-10 weeks. Usually, one runs in Autumn and another in the new year. These courses are run either online or in person. Parents usually avail of these courses to learn strategies in managing children’s (2-10 years) behaviours, strong emotions, and daily routines. They provide very practical tools for parents. To avail of one of these and find out when they are running, contact your local Primary Care Centre. These are parent only course, children do not attend.
Timid to Tiger Parenting Course/ Space Parenting course
These parenting courses supports parents who have children experiencing anxiety. They provide information on general parenting, as well as specific information and strategies for managing children’s anxiety. Typically run once a year for 8-10 weeks. Usually run in the morning, and currently online. To find out about this course contact your local primary care centre and ask to speak to a Primary Care Psychologist. As this is specific to anxiety you may need a consultation with a psychologist or your child to be referred to the service before accessing these groups.
One to One
One to one work is sometimes organised with parents on an individualized basis. This may happen after they have accessed one of the groups above. This work is between 9-5 and either in person or online- depending on the needs of families.
What ages do you work with?
We work with children of all ages. Groups for parents tend to be from at least 2 years up to 10 years of age.
Services are delivered both in groups and One to One.
Is your space accessible?
Most HSE primary Care centres are wheelchair accessible.
Who delivers your services?
Services are currently delivered by qualified psychologists, as well as Psychologists in Clinical Training and Assistant Psychologists. Qualified Psychologists typically have Doctoral level training. Assistant Psychologists and Psychologists in Clinical Training typically have degrees in Psychology and further Masters qualifications.
What do parents need to do to access your service?
Referrals can be made through your GP, Public Health Nurse or by parents themselves by contacting their local primary care centre. If parents are interested in a particular programme, it would be important to mention that in the referral or when they make contact.
What are your spaces like?
Spaces and offices vary across the primary care centres. Typically, psychologists work in offices with some comfortable chairs. When we are seeing young children, we try to ensure we have some toys or colours available to welcome them into the room.